For starters, I set up this blog some time ago - several months, maybe a year has passed and I still didn't manage to sit down and write an actual post. I'm good at that. Starting something, getting it all set up and then not following through. This year I'm going to try really hard to rectify that.
I'm not sure what exactly prevents me from getting the show on the road. Could be fear, laziness, procrastination, self-doubt, lack of ability, lack of imagination, poor ability to prioritise, "busy-ness" - all of the above. Whatever it is it really stops me in my tracks.
Every New Year I try to think of a theme. My yoga teacher got me onto this. It's called a "sankalpa" or an intention. We set one at the beginning of each yoga class and I try to stick with the same one throughout the year. In the past it's been "Joy", "Equilibrium", "Peace", "Wisdom" and so on.
This year I've decided my theme, resolution, intention or sankalpa is going to be "Curiosity".
And here's something I came across when I was walking in the bush recently. It's a humble dandelion. The kind you'd make a wish and blow on as a kid. This dandelion caught my attention. It was huge. Around the size of a closed fist and it seemed so symmetrically perfect to me. Take a look. How does nature do these amazing things? "Curiouser and curiouser" as Alice would say.
So here's to the New Year. 🎉 I hope you can find a dandelion as lovely as this one and make a wish for a 2018 full of curiosity and creativity.
Dandelion. |
I'm sure you will have a fun year with lots of growth with that theme.